Career Options (MOS)
In the Guard, you not only have the option to choose your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), but you will learn, be challenged, be inspired, and gain valuable skill sets to fuel your path to success. However long you choose to remain enlisted, with a good work ethic you will get the opportunity to boost your career both during your time in the military and in the civilian world. The following is a list of our entry level positions available to you upon enlistment:
STEM Careers:
Science: 68W Combat Medic; 74D Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist
Technology: 25B Information Technology Specialist; 25S Satellite Communication
Systems Operator-Maintainer
Engineering: 12B Combat Engineer; 12N Construction Equipment Operator; 12T
Technical Engineering Specialist
Mathematics: 13J Fire Control Specialist; 35M Human Intelligence Collector; 35N Signals Intelligence Analyst
Admin & Relations:
36B Financial Management Technician
42A Human Resources Specialist
46R Public Affairs Broadcast Journalist
15B Aircraft Powerplant Repairer
15D Aircraft Powertrain Repairer
15E Unmanned Aircraft Systems Repairer
15G Aircraft Structural Repairer
15H Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
15P Aviation Operations Specialist
15Q Air Traffic Control Operator
15W Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator
12N Construction Equipment Operator
12T Technical Engineering Specialist
12W Carpentry and Masonry Specialist
Ground Defense:
13D Field Artillery Automated Data Systems Specialist
13M Multiple Launch Rocket System Crewmember
13P Multiple Launch Rocket System Operations/Fire Direction Specialist
13T Field Artillery Surveyor/Meteorological Crewmember
25B Information Technology Specialist
25C Radio Operator – Maintainer
25L Cable Systems Installer – Maintainer
25N Nodal Network Systems Operator – Maintainer
25P Microwave Systems Operator – Maintainer
25Q Multi-channel Transmission Systems Operator – Maintainer
25S Satellite Communication Systems Operator – Maintainer
25U Signal Support Systems Specialist
25V Combat Documentation/Production Specialist
35G Geospatial Intelligence Imagery Analyst
35L Counter Intelligence Agent
35M Human Intelligence Collector
35N Signals Intelligence Analyst
35T Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator
37F Psychological Operations (PsyOps) Specialist
Mechanic, Maintenance, and Ordnance:
89D Explosive Ordnance Specialist
91C Utilities Equipment Repairer
91D Power Generator Equipment Repairer
91F Small Arms/Artillery Repairer
91J Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer
94F Computer Detection Systems Repairer
94H Test, Measurement, & Diagnostic Equipment Maintenance
94P Multiple Launch Rocket System Repairer
94R Avionic and Survivability Equipment Repairer
68A Biomedical Equipment Repairer
68C Practical Nursing Specialist
68F Physical Therapy Specialist
68G Patient Administrator Specialist
68H Optical Laboratory Specialist
68J Medical Logistics Specialist
68K Medical Laboratory Specialist
68R Veterinary Food Inspection Specialist
68S Preventive Medicine Specialist
Military Police:
31E Internment/Resettlement Specialist
Support and Logistics:
92A Automated Logistical Specialist
92F Petroleum Supply Specialist
92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist
92S Shower/Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist
92W Water Treatment Specialist
94E Radio and Communications Security Repairer